On another platform, where this is being discussed, I was asked if I thought children in impoverished countries like Haiti were better off staying there. The follwoing is my reply:
It is the consensus of opinion of adoption and child welfare experts that children are best served remaining with thie kin and culture and that material "advantages" do not replace the loss, grief and feelings of abandonment being taken from their families and homeland.
Plucking children one at a time causes these problems while doing nothing to ameliorate community-wide or nation-wide conditions. It's being an ambulance at the bottom of a cliff.
Missionaries and others who care, should be looking into ways to improve their lives where they are - building schools, sending medical supplies etc. This goes for all over the world, not just Haiti.
Think of it this way: If your neighbor (or a member of your congregation) - a family with 4 or 5 kids - lost his job and was facing homelessness, would you think it would be helpful to have CPS remove his kids??