Mirah’s Reflections: Open letter to Michael Bloomberg

Mirah Riben, author and activist
4 min readDec 17, 2019


Dear Micheal Bloomberg,

Why not use your enormous wealth and political aspirations to help form and support a viable third party? We have right now the perfect moment — the perfect example of the failure of a two-party quagmire.

Your chances are slim to none if you run as a Dem. Left of center — and many centric — voters are wont to trust another billionaire, no matter how different from the current wanna-be, fake billionaire in office now. They just cannot and will not trust that someone in your position, with your wealth — no matter how ethical, moral and altruistic — can RELATE and not want what’s best for other billionaires and big business.

Robert Reich recently opined:

“ . . .the real political divide in America today is establishment versus anti-establishment — the comparatively few at the top who have siphoned off much of the wealth of the nation versus everyone else whose wages and prospects have gone nowhere.”

We need a new, true We the People’s Party. Not a WHITE people’s party but an all the people’s party. One that prioritizes financially the needs of US citizens in the way Nordic countries do with health care and education as a RIGHT, not supporting coups and détentes and criminal madmen around the world. Not supplying weapons to every civil war.

Create a new pie chart where military spending is no longer the largest piece but instead climate change is our biggest priority, tied with people’s needs and rights.

We need an anti-corruption party with the courage to remove pay-for-play lobbyists, Pacs and super Pacs; end Citizens United; end gerrymandering; stand up to the NRA; end pharm and medical insurance industries hold on us.

Your money, Mr. Bloomberg, and — I believe — good intentions — could go a long way to accomplishing that. But if you run as a Dem, you will lose and we the people will lose.

Get other decent, moral billionaires to join you: Robert Reich, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and get out of this we-against-them and vice versa divisive stalemate we are in. Offer the people a real alternative to two failed parties. Offer us something other than two sides of the same coin, one who does it with hate and the other with love, but both of whom, in the end are beholding to corporations who support them.

We need to heal this nation, or divide the country and let those who want a white only, gun-toting, “Christian” homeland have it and leave the rest of us out of it. Divorce. Secede. Irreconcilable differences. Because as it is now, the best we can do is keep swinging the pendulum back and forth every four or eight years — each side undoing whatever the other accomplished with the exception that we are left stuck with “their” Supreme Court Justces. That’s not a sustainable future. A bipolar nation cannot succeed. It requires too much resources to fight the internal strife, crime and insanity from living in this toxic, crazy-making, intensely high tension and insecure place to even think about being a beacon for the world.

Bloomberg, if you are sincere, use your wealth to undo this mess and make this happen. Our country is divded enough without you or anyone else dividing the Democratic party further. Create a third party and open the doors to a multitude of political parties such as they have in most of the rest of the industrial world. Create a political party that practices true democracy where every vote counts and elected officials do what they were elected to do or get removed. Give us candidates we want to vote FOR, not against.

Alternatively, listen to Reich and use your combined wealths to support what he calls Warren/Sanders: both true anti-establishment candidates. Why run against them and divide the primary vote? If you agree with them support them, if not start another party.



Mirah Riben, author and activist
Mirah Riben, author and activist

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