(and only because you mention in your comment that you “stand on the mothers [and fathers] shoulders” would I add that we too are invisible and our loss totally dismissed or believed to have been “for the best” when it too is a major trauma.)
Adoption was created to meet the needs and desires of those who adopt and exists to fill their demand. They are the only paying client in the process and the only ones with a voice, from the moment they and they alone hire an attorney represent THEIR best interest over that of any other party to the adoption. The public sees adoption ONLY through the lens of the adopters because it is THEIR longing that the public can identify with. THEIR pain of childlessness is recognized and felt. THEIR desire to parent seen as noble when in fact it is their demand that creates the exploitation of parents in crisis and turns babies and children into objects for sale. They do not intentionally create the corruption that is so prevalent in adoption because they themselves are caught up in the societal fantasy that they are saving an “orphan” even as they pay off under-the-table bribes to foreign orphanages or hold young mothers to “contracts” created by paying their “expenses.” Even then they and all of society justify that end result is for the “best” for the child. And when they get in over their heads and can’t deal with the problems many adopted children are prone too, their decisions to abandon the are supported too! Because it’s ALWAYS all about THEM!